Monday, October 4, 2010


to my little baby boy!!!! Where has the last 2 years gone!!??

This time 2 years ago I was patiently waiting for you, wondering what you would look like, wondered if you were a boy or girl, dying to hold you in my arms. I didn't imagine that in 4hrs time I would know all this but still unable to hold you. You came so quickly that you weren't breathing and because of this, and you were born with lots of fluid on the chest, you spent the next 24hrs in special care. That was one of the hardest moments for us all..we had doctors taking you away for xrays, tests etc etc and then you were sent down to special care to spend the night so your breathing could be monitored. Oh how I longed to hold you in my arms just for one little moment. It was such a relief to know that nothing was wrong and soon you were back in my arms.
You have been a fantastic little boy! You were very content and happy always wanting to play outside and read books, you were and still are a great night sleeper...which was a relief to me!

Here are a few photos of Finlay from over the last 2yrs.

We are having a little party for him this coming weekend but today he has a little friend coming over for a play. The sun is out, he is happy...the day should be good!
Min xo


  1. Awwww, what a little darlin'! Time just flies hey?! Just luuurve that train cake too!!! :-)
    Happy birthday Finlay!


  2. Happy birthday Finlay :-)
    He is so cute Min, can't believe how dark his hair was when he was born, and how light it is now!!

  3. HappY BirthdaY FinleY... Lv us all xxxxx

  4. HIP HIP Hooray. Hope he has a great day.
    My twins were in special care for 4 weeks and it was a while before I got to hold them for the first time too. Makes it hard but then you can just make up for the missed cuddles.

  5. Happy birthday to Finlay! Such a sweetie. :)

  6. HOpe you had a great Day Finlay. He's gorgeous Min!

  7. Happy birthday Finlay - you are totally cute! :D

  8. Oh what a cutie!!! Happy birthday to Finlay for Monday :-)

  9. Happy belated Birthday to Finlay :)

    how incredible that the boys are born on the same day, didn't realise that AT ALL

